The book of Revelation can be frightening. There are wars, dragons, beasts, demons, fires, plagues, strange creatures of all sorts, swords, judgments, strange symbols, and gruesome depictions of death. Many people struggle to read Revelation because they believe it is too intense, too terrible to think about the world actually…
Apocalyptic literature is a subgenere of prophecy. While classical prophecy confronted present-day issues and made promises about what God would do pending certain conditions (i.e. human cooperation), apocalyptic prophecy looks at the broad sweep of future history and makes more definite, resolute predictions. "Apocalypse" in Koine Greek means "revealing" - bringing something mysterious to light.
Jesus Apocalypse
Revelation []. For many people, this is the single scariest book in the Bible. Whether it’s the plagues, the judgment, the fire, or the infamous Mark of the Beast, the book of Revelation strikes fear into people’s hearts,…
Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle Pieces Some people like to read the Bible by jumping around from verse to verse, building a huge list of references, and coming to conclusions that way. This is definitely a useful approach if you know the whole Bible very well, but for many people it can seem confusing…
Spirit War
Spirit War War. It's one of the ugliest and scariest parts of human existence. In very recent history, we learned just how destructive it is when human beings put their whole efforts into waging war. We have the power to destroy the world as we know it, and…
The Heavenly Sanctuary
The Sanctuary In Daniel 8 [], we open up a new level of intricacy in apocalyptic prophecy. The prophet Daniel saw a massive sweep of history without fully understanding the scope of what he was seeing. But while this vision…