The story of David and Bathsheba is often presented mostly as David's story. This is, in fact, how the Bible narrates it in 2 Samuel 11-12. It's a story about David's failure and the way that failure spiralled out of control. But Bathsheba has…
Old Testament
The Old Testament - or The Hebrew Bible - tells the national story of Israel and showcases their poetry, songs, laws, legends, and history. Spanning centuries, this is one of the most influential bodies of literature ever written in human history.
Rahab & The Battle of Jericho
The story of Rahab is an interesting but often overlooked one. Joshua is, of course, the person most recognized for his role in the battle of Jericho. But Rahab is one of the most pivotal characters in the whole story. So, how does she fit in? The Israelites have been…
God of Everything (Ahab & Jehosaphat)
Can two people do the same thing and end up with different moral consequences? Can who people fighting in the same battle be rewarded or punished because of their reasons or motivations for fighting? Or perhaps we can ask a broader question: where is God in morally ambiguous or dicey…
ReFrame Adventist Worship pt. 2: 1 Samuel 16
"How exactly should I read the Bible?" It's one of those questions that we kind of just have to keep coming back to, over and over again. One of the reasons why this question can be so troublesome for people, though, is the fact that very…
Ruth's Redemption
[This is going to be a long post because the book of Ruth has become one of my personal favourite books in the Bible.] The book of Ruth is very fascinating if you take the time to look beneath the surface, and around the edges. By beneath the surface, I…