[Photo by Daniele Levis Pelusi [https://unsplash.com/@yogidan2012?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/s/photos/ethiopia?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] ] The story of Acts has taken a dramatic turn in chapters…
Adventist Learning Community
Empowering people with the passion and skills necessary to futher the kingdom of Christ in the 21st centry.
Acts 6:8-8:3 | Stoning Stephen
Photo by Valentin Salja [https://unsplash.com/@valentinsalja?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/s/photos/blood?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] Stoning Stephen Acts 6:8-8:3 is a lengthy section that revolves…
Acts 5:17-6:7 | Into the Fire (part 2), The Church in Action
Photo by Adrian Infernus [https://unsplash.com/@adrian_infernus?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] on Unsplash [https://unsplash.com/s/photos/fire-cooking?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditCopyText] In our last post, Acts 4:32-5:16 | Into The Fire…
Acts 4:32-5:16 | Into The Fire (part 1)
This week I want to focus in on a famous story from the book of Acts that has sometimes rubbed people the wrong way. The story of Ananias & Sapphira parallels a handful of other stories in the Bible, and yet it tends to run contrary to many people'…
Acts 3-4: A Tale of Two Temples
The new Temple shows it's power Acts 3 brings a new conflict into focus. While the disciples of Jesus have been filled with power from the Holy Spirit in the previous chapter, the demonstration of this power in public will bring them into conflict with the Temple establishment.…