November 4, 2016 will see the release of the movie Hacksaw Ridge - the story of Desmond Doss, an army medic who refused to carry a gun because of his strongly held beliefs that God did not want him to kill or harm anyone. He wanted to serve his country…
Theodicy (Many Waters)
THEODICY (Many Waters) Why does God allow suffering? In the 3rd century BC, the Greek Stoic philosopher Epicurus wrote: “Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then…
Two Trees (Like Gods)
Two Trees (Like Gods) In Genesis 3:1-7, Adam and Eve are living in perfect bliss in the Garden of Eden. They have only been given one instruction: do not eat from the fruit of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. Then the serpent invites Eve to…
Dust & Stars
Dust & Stars The Star Trek television and movie series is one of the most optimistic portrayals of human existence. The depictions of planet Earth are one where war, poverty, and hunger have been eliminated. Advanced science, deep space exploration, and free, easy-access knowledge are everyday norms for the people…