When people think about the Bible and the religious traditions that come from it - especially Judaism and Christianity - one issue that comes up at times is the question of whether or not the Bible promotes a kind of exclusivity. Some people think that certain verses in the Bible…
Old Testament
The Old Testament - or The Hebrew Bible - tells the national story of Israel and showcases their poetry, songs, laws, legends, and history. Spanning centuries, this is one of the most influential bodies of literature ever written in human history.
Sacrificed Son - The Binding of Isaac
The biblical story of the Binding of Isaac - known in Hebrew as the Akedah - is one that many people find troubling at a fundamental level. It starts with God asking Abraham for a sacrifice - his only son Isaac - and Abraham at first seems to dutifully follow…
The Ten Commandments - Relevant ethics or primitive barbarism?
Over the last little while I've run across a pretty interesting conversation about the Ten Commandments that I wasn't fully familiar with. It started with one article I saw shared on social media, and it turned into a long journey through the reaches of the internet…
Puzzle Pieces
Puzzle Pieces Some people like to read the Bible by jumping around from verse to verse, building a huge list of references, and coming to conclusions that way. This is definitely a useful approach if you know the whole Bible very well, but for many people it can seem confusing…
Spirit War
Spirit War War. It's one of the ugliest and scariest parts of human existence. In very recent history, we learned just how destructive it is when human beings put their whole efforts into waging war. We have the power to destroy the world as we know it, and…