The very beginning of the Bible opens with God creating the world. One aspect that is worth noting is how God evaluates his own work: "And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good [....]" (Genesis 1:3-4a NIV) And…
8 posts tagged
Loving Love (Romantic Relationships)
We know the question you really want to ask your pastor. “What does the Bible say about dating? Can you tell me about Biblical dating? How do you find a boyfriend, girlfriend, husband, wife? How do I find the person that God has destined for me?” And the thing is,…
Iron Sharpens Iron: Biblical Friendship
Relationships with people are often complicated and unpredictable - solid and stable one day, and chaotic and frustrating the next. Perhaps the issue we deal with the most in our day-to-day lives is figuring out how to navigate interpersonal relationships. Every day we interact with people, build different kinds of…