The Struggle Is Real Addiction. Many of us have been warned about the dangers of addiction by respected authority figures in our lives. Whether at home, school, church, or elsewhere, we are told about the dangers of addictive substances and behaviors - things that lure people into a trap and…
The Rules Are Killing You
The Rules Are Killing You The opening paragraphs of the Bible depict God's words as being extremely powerful. He speaks the world and everything in it into existence. God utters a command, and things simply begin to exist. God said it, and it was so. So, doesn’t…
No Broken Promises
No Broken Promises In Romans chapter 4 [], we encounter the story of Abraham, retold through a new lens in order to address a new context. Paul, a Jewish man born in a Greek town and raised as a citizen…
Bad Christians
Bad Christians Does being religious make you a good person? At one time in history, people generally thought that being a good person involved God, Church, and the Bible. But the public perception of Christians has changed over time. Many people are skeptical of the seemingly endless denominational divides among…
God And All Of Us
God And All Of Us If you have access to television or social media, you will doubtlessly have seen the kinds of things our world is constantly debating: Racial tension, sexism, social philosophies, violence, guns, class, economics, politics, culture, nationalism, identity, and more. These topics cause great divisions between people,…